How to Take the Horse Harmony Personality Test

The Horse Harmony test is now available online and the response to has been wonderful. I am so pleased people are finding this test valuable. The feedback, questions, and comments have been great. I have taken the test many times and have some suggestions on how to get the most accurate results for you and your horse, especially if you are filling out the more complex test to work with one of our Horse Harmony Typers for a consult.

- Fill out only the questions you are sure of and leave the others blank.

- If a question concerns a season or certain type of weather making your horse worse, the word “worse” refers to your horse’s physical condition. For example, many horses are spookier in cold or wind, but this does not necessarily mean a horse is “worse” in windy conditions. If, however, your horse becomes lame or his lameness gets worse in cold or windy weather, then your horse would be considered “worse.”

- If you feel you are less than subjective about your own horse, you may want to have someone who doesn’t have an emotional attachment to your horse, such as a trainer, help you answer the questions.

- If you are not familiar with the Five-Element typing system and the questions don’t seem make sense then read the “Horse Harmony” book and see if the questions have more meaning after you have a basic understanding of the types. Buy the book online at http://www.horseharmony.com/buy.html.

- If your horse scores high in two types that are not a listed combination (for instance, Wood and Water) then focus on the type with the highest score and look for the next highest score that does fit one of the combinations listed in the book.

I hope these comments help you better understand the questions in the test and gain more accurate results. As always, you can take the test at no charge here:


Here are the results for me and my horse family:
- Me: Tai Yang
- Cerise: Fire
- Remi: Yang Ming
- Tess (my mule): Jue Yin
- Lady (the donkey): Wood

See what others say about their horse typings:
I spent some time yesterday at the ranch with Magic. No one was there. Just him and me. We went through all of our rituals, carrots at the table, grooming, etc. but since it's been so hot and I had many more horses left to work I decided to just go for a walk with Magic. He's a bugger to lead and never very attentive -- he tends to wander off or drag me wherever he wants to go -- so I took him off the lead for our walk. It was the most amazing thing. I had the most attentive horse by my side. He followed me over next door, down the hill, behind Rachel's house and finally back to the barn. We stopped in some shady spots and he ate grass. I couldn't believe what happened when I finally found the courage to trust him.

I am a fire sign and had learned to fear the unpredictability of my water horse. We've been working on that for years. Yesterday I learned to give water the freedom to flow where it may - then it can not hurt you. If fact, it will flow to you and follow your energy. Some simple things take us so long to understand. At the ripe old age of 54 and being with horses virtually my whole life. Why did God reveal this to me today? Perhaps because finally in a quiet moment, I have the ears to listen and my heart is right? I do not know, but I am so grateful!

I wanted to share this with you because were it not for your insights about water horses I would never have the context to put this into perspective.
B. Rand

The results for my horse were exactly how I thought he would be and has given me confidence in the way I have been dealing with his problems. Thank you
P. Akerman

Update on Shao Yin Lacey (Ashley Hank) in "Horse Harmony".

She is now 11.5 yo and, after what looked like a personality change (which turned out to be adolescence!),she is absolutely true to the Shao Yin promise she showed at 3.5 yo. Ironically, I took possession of her on this very day (18 Oct) 8 years ago, which is probably why I subconsciously began to ponder upon our current relationship. I haven't had a "flying lesson" (touch wood!) in a long long time. We have learned to trust each other and I'm looking forward to the next decade with great equanimity. I can truly see our partnership strengthening as the years go by. She was my 60th birthday present from me to me and I definitely look forward to celebrating my 70th and my 80th with a lovely hack in the woods with the Irish Wolfhound of the day running alongside.

Thank you so much for this awesome tool, which I have turned to time and time again over the years.
-K. Helava

Copyright (c) 2008 HorseHarmony.com. All rights reserved.

You may reprint this material in other electronic or print publications provided the above copyright notice and a link to http://www.horseharmony.com is included in the credits.

Gallery of Characters

Bored Wood Horse
Does your horse get this impish expression? If so, chances are that he is a Wood horse or a Wood horse combo type (Wood/Fire or Fire/Wood). Wood-type horses are extremely competitive and LOVE to get into trouble!

Shao Yin Sweetheart

The Shao Yin horse (Fire/Water) lives to please and makes the perfect babysitter for children and beginners! His motto? "Let's have fun!"

Worried Water Horse
if your horse frequently gets this worried expression, he may be a Water or Water and Fire combo type. The Water type horse can be fearful and alert, and needs a supportive rider he can trust.